What Are The Different Statesstages Of An Experiment?

An experiment goes through different states in FigPii:

Draft: When you first create an experiment and prior to launching it. 

Running: An active experiment that is running on your site. 

Paused: An experiment is no longer running on FigPii. This is an experiment that was running and then paused. The experiment does not serve any variations to visitors. When visitors visit pages where the experiment is running, they will view the original design. How do you pause an experiment?

Archived Experiment: An experiment is no longer running on FigPii but does not serve any variations to visitors. When visitors visit pages where the experiment was running, they will view the original design.

Completed: An experiment is saved to FigPii and it serves the winning variations to visitors. When visitors visit pages where the experiment is running, they will view the winning design.


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