How Can I Run Polls On Multiple Pages?

Targeting multiple pages in Polls

Multiple URL use examples:
  • Running a poll on the product or category pages for an e-commerce site.
  • Running a poll on the blog posts for a blogging site.
Follow these steps to target specific URLs
  1. Start by navigating to the "create new Poll"
  2. Fill the Poll name
  3. Click on "Page Targeting"
  4. Select if you want to run the poll on a specific page or multiple pages. Since we are running the poll on multiple pages, then select Multiple pages.
  5. FigPii will open a section that allows you to specify how the URLs should be identified.
  6. Select if you want to include or exclude URLs for this Poll.
  7. Specify the URL pattern.

Including URLs in a Poll

Follow steps 1 to 9 from Targeting multiple pages in Poll
  1. Select "Include" from the dropdown.
  2. Select the type of match for the URL pattern.
  3. Input the URL pattern.
  4. If you want to include multiple URL patterns, click on "Add Another URL Targeting"

Excluding URLs from a Poll

Follow steps 1 to 9 from Targeting multiple pages in Polls
  1. Select Exclude from the dropdown.
  2. Select the type of match for the URL pattern.
  3. Input the URL pattern.
  4. If you want to include multiple URL patterns, click on "Add Another URL Targeting"

Adding multiple includes in the URL pattern

There are instances where you add several includes in the URL patterns:
In these cases, FigPii will use an "OR" operator between these URLs. So, if the visitor visits a page that matches ANY of the parameters that you put, then the test is served.

Adding multiple excludes in the URL pattern

There are instances where you add several excludes in the URL patterns:
In these cases, FigPii will use an "OR" operator between these URLs. So, if the visitor visits a page that matches ANY of the parameters that you put, then the test is not served.

Add includes and excludes in the URL pattern

There are instances where you want to include some URLs and exclude others.
In these cases, FigPii will use an "OR" operator between these URLs. So, if the visitor visits a page that matches ANY of the parameters that you put, then the test is served.

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