Integrating FigPii with your GA4 Property [Beta]
IMPORTANT: Before continuing, you must check the installation of the GA4 code present on your website. If it's installed via Google Tag Manager — GTM and not directly added to your website, please follow the steps for one-time set-up mentioned in this article. After that, you can continue with this guide.
Enabling GA4 Integration in FigPii
In order to integrate GA4 with your FigPii account, follow these steps:
INFO: The integration is a one-time process which will integrate all your existing and future experiments with GA4.
- Login to your FigPii account here:
- From the left menu, click on Domain Settings.
- Find the domain you will integrate with GA4 and click on the settings logo.
INFO: The integration is done per-domain. Repeat the process if you have multiple domains on FigPii.
- Scroll down and click on Connect With Google.
- In the new window that opens, follow the steps to log in with a Google Account with access to your GA4 property. Your Google Account needs at least Marketer access. You can learn more here: [GA4] Access and data-restriction management
If you're prompted with a message saying Google hasn't verified this app, click on Advanced, then Continue to
NOTE Regarding Google hasn't verified this app: As of the writing of this document — January 1st, 2025 — our GA4 integration has been released to a limited set of domains under Beta. Due to this Beta status you might see a warning that indicates FigPii has not been verified by Google.
We're currently in the process of releasing the integrating to all our users and in close contact with Google to fast-track the verification process for our integration.
FigPii never pulls any data from your Google Analytics account, and we never share your information with anyone. You can learn more here:
We use the access granted by you to create Audiences in Google Analytics for your experiments. To do this, Google Analytics Admin API access is needed. You can learn more about this here: [GA4] Integrating with a third-party experiment tool
If you have any questions, feel free to contact
- You will be returned to your domain settings after clicking on Continue. Bellow the Connect with Google button. You'll see a list of the properties your Google Account has access to. Locate the appropriate GA4 property and click on Select This Property.
IMPORTANT: Before continuing, you must check the installation of the GA4 code present on your website. If it's installed via Google Tag Manager — GTM and not directly added to your website, please follow the steps for one-time set-up mentioned in this article. After that, you can continue with this guide.