Video recording filter options
FigPii offers multiple options for filtering and searching for specific recorded sessions
- Date Range: Filter sessions based on recording dates.
- Landing Page: Search for users based on the first page they visited.
- Visited Page: Use this option to filter recordings for specific URLs.
- Exit Page: Search for users based on the last page they visited.
- Tags: Use to look for sessions you’ve already tagged in your video player page.
- # of Page Views: Filter by the total number of pages visited by a user.
- Favored: Filter by the sessions you've marked as favorite either from the video recording player or from your recordings dashboard.
- User Type: You can use this feature to filter the session by Returning users or New Users.
- Country: Filter the recorded sessions based on the country of origin.
- Device: Search for users based on their Device type. Desktop or Mobile.
- Operation System: You have the option to filter your recorded sessions by MacOS, Windows, Linux, and more!
- Browser: You have the option to filter your recorded sessions based on the browser they used at the time of the visit.