Preview not showing variation changes (or too slow)

In some instances, depending on the structure of your site and the platform it is based on, you might need to use our IP targeting option to preview variation changes on your site.

An IP-targeted test acts very similarly to a test launched for your general visitors, with a big difference which is it's only running for the list of IPs added to the test. 

So your general visitors will not see the test. You and your teammates can view the variations and perform the needed quality assurance steps.

This way, you can simulate the test running on your site.

To launch an AB test as IP Targeted:

1. Navigate to your A/B test settings page.

2. Under Advanced Settings, turn on the IP Targeting option.

3. To add your IP address, click the Add My IP button.

Note: The IP address on your mobile device might be different from your desktop device — specially if your devices utilize IPv6 or are on separate connections (i.e. your desktop is connected to WiFi while your mobile device is connected to LTE). The check the IP address on your mobile device you can simple Google "What is my ip?" and if it's different from your desktop device add it to the list of IPs.

Privacy notice: We take privacy and GDPR & CCPA rules very seriously! FigPii never stores your visitors IP addresses and in case of IP Targted tests we never store IPs in plain text, they're encrypted before being sent to our servers for storage and only you and your teammates can view the list of IPs added to an A/B Test!

4. After adding your IP, click on Save and Launch to launch the test for the list of IPs provided. Rest assured that the test will not be shown to your visitors, only to you! 

Note: If a test is already running, you will see Pause instead of Save and Launch. To turn an AB Test into an IP Targeted test or to add your IP to a list of existing IPs you can click on the Save button in the left corner.

View your A/B test on your site

Now that your IP-targeted test is launched, you can navigate to a targeted page to view your AB test and its variations.

1. To do so, you need to go to a targeted page.

What does targeted page mean?
Let's say you have a test meant to run on all your product pages — i.e. you have include - contains - /products as a targeting rule — then you can go to any product page on your site to catch the mentioned A/B test.

2. Let's say your test targets the home page, then open your website's homepage in an incognito/private window.

Why is it important to open the targeted page in an incognito/private window?
To simulate a real visitor coming to your site. This is specially important for tests that only target mobile devices.

3. Use our browser extensions to change between different variations of your AB test.

FigPii Chrome Extension
FigPii Firefox Extension
FigPii Microsoft Edge Extension

What if I don't see my A/B test in the browser extension?

Ensure your IP didn't change. To check, go back to the AB test settings page. If you see the Add my IP button under the IP Targeting option, that means your IP address has changed. Add your IP again and refresh the page.

If your IP is added, check if the test is running. If you see a Save and Launch button, that means the test is still under Draft, you should see a Pause button.

And lastly, make sure you're on a targeted page. Please refer to the second step for that.

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