What Device Type Should I Run My Experiment On?

Website visitors use different types of devices to access your website. Some might come on desktop, some using mobile devices and some might use tablets to access your website. Most websites will display a different design on mobile devices compared to desktop devices. Since mobile devices have smaller screens, your website design will need to accommodate the needs of these visitors. When you are launching a new A/B experiment, FigPii will ask which type of device you want the experiment to run on:

  • If you select mobile, FigPii will only display the different variations to visitors coming to your website on a mobile device.
  • If you select desktop devices, FigPii will only display the different variations to visitors coming to your website on a desktop.
  • If you select ALL devices, FigPii will only display the different variations to all of your website visitors regardless of the device they are using to view your website.

We highly recommend that you create different experiments for different types of devices. So, if you are testing the home page of your website, you will create an A/B experiment for desktop devices and another experiment for mobile devices. Please note, that if you choose to run an experiment on all types of devices, the FigPii editor will display the desktop version of your website. But your changes will apply to both desktop and mobile devices.

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